Hi everyone, we are planning to do eco bricks using plastic waste and water bottles. We have around two weeks time till October 15. After collecting, we form it as eco bricks and do some study table, stools etc. Please collect as much as you can and donate to us by October 15. As of 2019, a study showed that as much as 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans every year. Doesn’t seem like much? Think of it this way, every minute a garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into the ocean. In India, the annual plastic consumption per individual is 11 kg. Imagine if you had the power to redirect 11 kg of plastic each year, away from the oceans. That amounts to almost 780 kg over a lifetime. Well, that power does lies with you. The solution comes in the form of a simple eco brick. Join Bhumi’s initiative to take the plastic back this Daan Utsav and sign up for our Plastic2Brick campaign. It’s up to us to save our planet. Let’s make each action count. #MyPlasticMyResponsibility Register: http://bhumi.ngo/utsav